
Job Board Platform

Pricing on request


Jobiqo is an end to end solution to create and run a job board for your business.

Key Features:

  • Job Creation, CV Search and CV Alert for Companies

  • Company Profile and Company Search

  • Intelligent Matching Technology and Geo Search

  • Analytics and performance Management

  • Customisable billing system

    and more..

Related Tools

Disclosure: This website may contain affiliate links. Also, while these are handy resources- please do your research before purchasing and building.

All right reserved | Job Board Fast | 2024

All right reserved | Job Board Fast | 2024

Disclosure: This website may contain affiliate links. Also, while these are handy resources- please do your research before purchasing and building.

Disclosure: This website may contain affiliate links. Also, while these are handy resources- please do your research before purchasing and building.

All right reserved | Job Board Fast | 2024